Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ryker's 9th month

    Even though I haven't blogged in forever, this will be a short and sweet picture blog. Life is wonderful, just not a lot of blog worthy events going on.

About a week and a half ago, Ryker took his first step. We are pretty proud of him. For the past couple months he has been cruising around on his feet by holding onto furniture, but he finally got the gumption to keep going after he was no longer holding on to the couch.

                           This is him walking to Ryland, who is enticing him with Cheerio's.

Ryker is just getting over a bout of the weirdest virus. It has no symptoms other than an extremely high fever accompanied with temper tantrums.  I felt horrible because I had no idea he was sick. I thought he was simply going through a personality change. He ate normally, and drank as much as ever. I finally took his temp last Friday night, it registered at 103.9 and by the time we got to the ER it was peaking close to 105.0.  I retrospect, I should have known that my previously perfectly behaved child probably didn't just turn into a little crab overnight for no reason. However, stranger things have happened.

     This is him eating spaghetti in the midst of his sickness. Notice his mouthful of teeth- 8 to date and             more coming in. 

I threw a surprise party for Chris as he turned 30 on July 30th. The party happened to be planned the afternoon after we took Ryker into the ER.  It was almost impossible to drag Chris out of bed, since we both had been up for the past 3 nights, with very little sleep. Chris was also coming down with the same virus, and running a pretty high fever that morning. Not exactly the way I had pictured the day turning out. 

This was Ryker the morning of the party. It seemed like he was feeling much better, and I felt pretty comfortable leaving him with the sitter while we went to the party. She is CPR certified, and going to school for early childhood development. However, when she called and told me his fever had spiked back up to 103.9 again, I felt just horrible for leaving my sick baby without his Mom or Dad and promptly came home to snuggle him. 

This is us snuggling that night- my temp had started to get pretty high, also and we both felt about as good as we look. Not so hot. Or really hot. Both would be true. 

So, now we are all back to normal (ish) Ryker's temp still get's up to 101.8 or so at times, but for the most part he is pretty healthy. The fussiness is still there, so I am hoping that will subside once the virus's butt is kicked for good.

All in all, life is pretty amazing, and I am blessed to be living it. Tucker will be starting 2nd grade soon, and we are preparing for back to school night already. All I can say is 
"WHERE did my summer go?