Monday, January 23, 2012

Why is doing nothing so stressfull??

    I don't know if everybody is like this, maybe it's just me. But when I sit around doing nothing, I feel intensely stressed out inside. Perhaps it's because I feel like I should be doing something. Perhaps it's a bit of A.D.D in me. Perhaps it's because I have all this time on my hands to think. And to think. And to think.
    I actually started this blog writing a comment on Nina's blog (so this is basically for you girl) Then I realized my comment was becoming laughably long verging on ridiculousness, so I decided to just blog it instead.
    We all know that sometimes our lives don't go as planned. We all have had that moment when we stop and look around and think "Wow. This is my life?" That could be a good thing for some. But for others it's a boo-hoo moment. I've had many of these moment's in my life. My 16th birthday, I was certain was going to be my last. Going through my mind at that time "I'm going to die on my birthday? This is not happening." Then at 18 years and 10 months of age"You mean I'm pregnant? This is not happening" Then at 21 "My son's father is truly psychotic, and I have to leave. This is not happening." Then again a couple years ago I had a devastating couple months when Chris and I broke up and I kept telling myself "This is not happening" But guess what? It all happened. And I survived, and have almost arrived at my 27th birthday all in one piece. (Haha. . made me think of that Charmin commercial, when the bear runs around with toilet paper stuck to his bum, saying "I come in pieces") And to boot, I am happier than I have ever been in my life. Looking back, not one (well except for my 16th birthday) of those situations would I ever change in a million years.  All those times I thought my life was ending (figuratively and literally) my life actually changed for the better. Life is never perfect, and never goes the way we want it to. It has a mind of it's own, and it goes the way it's supposed to go.

I like the positive note of Miss Virginia's most recent late night blog.  It's so easy to get swallowed in by negative emotions when things don't go our way. . .  And people saying things like "everything happens for a reason" doesn't always make everything all better.

So this is to Nina (and others who aren't in the place they want to be)
First of all, the best thing to do is EXACTLY what you're doing here- think of what is great and wonderful in our lives.

 Ten Reasons to LOVE your life

1. You are a very beautiful, YOUNG lady.
2. You don't get beat daily.
3. You aren't addicted to drugs, and don't have meth mouth.
4. You have a roof over your head.
5. You have a sister who occasionally makes you food and brings it to your room
6.You have all your bodily functions.
7.You have a degree. Even if all you get from it is self-respect, pat your back.
8. You have a big supportive family, and parents that are alive and well.
9. You have nothing tying you down to any one place, so you could work a mundane job to save a few thousand dollars, pack up and move to Calamazoo if you felt the urge.
10. You could do whatever you please, my dear. In fact, you can still be a millionaire by the time your are 40, if that's your fancy.
So grab your wonderful life by the horns and ride it.


  1. How true this all is. Life never runs the expected course, but it is often the better for that. And I WISH I had a sister that made me food and brought it to my room. Hahahaha. Might not help the gestational diabetes thing... :-)

  2. Aw, Connie! This is the sweetest blog I've ever read. I've never had any one write a blog that was for me! And it's all very true. I've been feeling really bummed today b/c I broke up w/ my boyfriend, and even though it was right, I just feel like a bad person for hurting someone. I know that in the long run, though, it's better for everyone. But it doesn't make me feel fabulous. So it's really nice to read a list of the reasons to love my life. I needed that today. Thank you. And thank you for the reminder that we've all been through worse things and lived, but not just lived, we've thrived.

    1. Hey, all right! I even got a shout out!

    2. Breaking up is never easy, especially if the person is a decent guy. But sometimes you just have to do what is right for you. You'll know when you're with somebody who is perfect for you so don't settle if you don't feel "that way" You had mentioned in one of your blogs something around the lines if it was enough just to really like somebody, and I do not think that is enough. YOu need passion if something is to last. So here's to you starting over. . .new hair, new job (soon) and different state. <3
